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Visualizing Data with KNIME: Creating Impactful Charts and Graphs

It’s easy, quick, and neat to use KNIME charts. Even when the data is messy and unorganized, a good visualization can show insights and features that are difficult to highlight on a raw table. A straightforward, useful, and attractive dashboard can be created in just three easy steps.

  • Creating stunning charts is the first step 
  • The second step is to form a unit around them 
  • Then use the Dataset as a web page based on the interactive view. 

From January 2020, it will contain all shows available on the streaming platform in the United States. We present the title of the show, its genre, its cast, its country of origin, its date of creation, the term and classification, and a brief description of the show. A few fascinating perceptions can be derived from the data!

Pre-process the information by importing it 

The dataset can be downloaded directly from Kaggle. Once the data is on your machine, drag and drop it into a new workflow. It is often necessary to perform some preprocessing. By examining the raw data, we can see that the date added column has a long format that is difficult to work with. So, switch it completely over to Date & Time and make sure all means are gathered in Pre-processing.

Step 1: Make stunning graphs 

Lie-tellers and Netflix-watchers are two types of people. Movie and television series fans can also be divided into two groups! Is it possible to estimate how many films and series are available on Netflix? How much attention does each category receive? What is the longest film ever made? Charts can be used to quickly summarize this.

Step 2: Wrap into a Component 

Two plots are better than one! To organize all of our wonderful graphics, let’s create a comprehensive dashboard. In the visualizations, right-click on each node and select “Create Component”. The element becomes a gray node. The dashboard can be enhanced with interactive features, such as an Interactive Range Slider Filter Widget for filtering the data displayed.

Step 3: Deploy the Interactive View as a Web Page 

Using a web browser, you can also inspect the component’s interactive view. This operation requires you to deploy your workflow to a KNIME Server instance with a single click. 


KNIME Examination Platform makes it extremely easy to create an intuitive dashboard for your information. Once you have set up your charts, wrapped the nodes into a component, and made any necessary adjustments, you can execute locally or on the KNIME Web Portal to experiment with your visualization. Their simplicity, quickness, and neatness make them ideal. Even when the data is messy and unorganized, a good visualization can highlight insights and features that are difficult to highlight on a raw table.

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